4 ways to give . . .
Give Financially
We hope all Friends of Fleur de Lis Camp will consider giving to the Annual Fund, Capital Projects, Circle of Fleur de Lis Fund, Endowed Camperships, or Unrestricted gifts. There are a variety of ways you can support camp financially.
Gifts of cash paid outright or pledged over a number of years, provide immediate support for Camp. Those who itemize their income tax returns are entitled to a charitable deduction generally up to 50% of adjusted gross income.
Additional ways to donate Venmo & PayPal
Checks can be made to Fleur de Lis Camp and
mailed to 120 Howeville Road Fitzwilliam NH 03447

An important value that we hold dear at Fleur de Lis Camp is Service to Others. Fleur de Lis Camp believes that an integral part of creating a healthy, vibrant community is the willingness and ability to serve and care for others. We expect our girls and young women to give to each other and to give back to camp and to their community.
A few of the ways you can serve Fleur de Lis is by volunteering at camp. Consider the following:
Join a Committee
Spend a Week at Camp (Circle Week)
Become a Fleur de Lis Ambassador
Support camp by Flourishing Fleur de Lis
generally up to 50% of adjusted gross income.

Give Gifts In-Kind
In-kind donations mean instead of giving money to buy necessary items or services for camp, you are gifting the items or services themselves. There are many things that we need to maintain our facility, enhance our operations, and to provide camp programming.
In-kind donations help Fleur de Lis purchase items critical to its program (e.g., canoe paddles, arts and crafts supplies, kayaks) or obtain needed services (e.g., graphic design work, marketing expertise, web development, gardening). These items and services augment our program, maintain our facility, and enhance our overall operational capacity.
Consider visiting our Amazon wish lists to see what other items you could purchase for camp. Expand your gift by using Amazon Smile when making any Amazon purchase. Eligible items receiving an additional donation to the non-profit of your choice (Fleur de Lis Camp) when using Amazon Smile.

Give Sustainably
Gifts of Securities*
Gifts of long-term appreciated securities, provide the same benefits as cash for camp and offer you the additional benefit of paying no capital gains tax. Your contribution is based on the fair market value of the stock you transfer to Fleur de Lis Camp. You are entitled to a charitable contribution up to 30% of adjusted gross income (with five-year carry-over) and you will avoid the capital gains tax which would have applied had you sold the securities.
Charitable Bequests*
A charitable bequest is an easy and flexible way to leave a gift to Fleur de Lis Camp. The benefits include a charitable deduction on estate tax, a reduction of tax burden for your beneficiaries, and you will leave a lasting legacy to Fleur de Lis Camp. This type of bequest can be done in several ways:
Include Fleur de Lis Camp in your will or revocable trust.
Designate Fleur de Lis Camp as a full, partial or contingent beneficiary of your retirement account (IRA, 401(k), 403(b) or pension).
A Specific Bequest involves making a gift of a specific asset such as real estate, a car, other property, or a gift for a specific dollar amount.
A Percentage Bequest involves leaving a specific percentage of your overall estate. For example, leaving 10% or your estate to Fleur de Lis Camp.
A Residual Bequest is made from the balance of an estate after the will or trust has given away each of the specific bequests. This may involve leaving a percentage of the residue of the estate to Camp.
A Contingent Bequest is made only if the purpose of the primary bequest cannot be met. As an example, the person for whom the bequest was made is no longer alive at the time of your death, the bequest would then go to Fleur de Lis.
A gift of Life Insurance may allow for a substantial gift to Fleur de Lis which you might not otherwise be able to make. You might want to consider giving a life insurance policy that has outlasted its original purpose such as providing for minor children who are now financially independent. This is an excellent way to make a legacy gift to support Fleur de Lis.
You can make this gift of life insurance to Fleur de Lis by naming Camp as a beneficiary (partial, full, or contingency), or as the owner and beneficiary of the policy.
*Please consult with your accountant or financial planner before making any estate planning decisions for Fleur de Lis Camp, other organizations, or individuals. Laws and restrictions change.
Questions? Contact us by phone 603.585.7751 or email