Our camp property in Fitzwilliam, NH was originally called Howeville. It was a community of several mills (most of which manufactured buckets), a number of houses, a few farms, a chapel, stores and a hotel. Over the years these have disappeared and when the Fleur de Lis Corporation purchased the land it was very much as it is today. Many of the camp buildings have a long history, dating back to the days of Howeville.
Fleur de Lis Camp was named for the women’s service organization, the “Order of the Fleur de Lis” of the Episcopal church who founded the camp. At that time, the boys in the church community had a summer camp in Maine named O-At-Ka. The strong women of the Order of the Fleur de Lis decided that, just like the boys, the girls deserved their own camp. After providing girls with a short summer camp experience for 14 years at O-At-Ka, our camp property was purchased and opened on the shores of Laurel Lake in 1929 and has been providing girls with great camp experiences since then.
Over the years, the service organization known as the Order of the Fleur de Lis faded from the Episcopal church and the only remaining chapter is our camp, the Laurel Lake Chapter of the Fleur de Lis. Over time, all ties to the Episcopal church dissolved although some of the traditions of the Order were preserved. Today, we welcome all girls to Fleur de Lis.